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Chapter 758 — Utility Rights of Way and Territory Allocation; Cogeneration
758.010 Authority to construct lines and facilities; requirements and conditions by public officials. (1) Except within cities, any person or corporation has a right and privilege to construct, maintain and operate its water, gas, electric or communication service lines, fixtures and other facilities along the public roads in this state, as defined in ORS 368.001 or across rivers or over any lands belonging to the state, free of any charge other than charges allowed under section 2, chapter 664, Oregon Laws 2001, and over lands of private individuals, as provided in ORS 772.210. Such lines, fixtures and facilities shall not be constructed so as to obstruct any public road or navigable stream.
(2) A county governing body and the Department of Transportation have authority to designate the location upon roads under their respective jurisdiction, outside of cities, where lines, fixtures and facilities described in this section may be located, and may order the location of any such line, fixture or facility to be changed when such governing body or department deems it expedient. Any line, fixture or facility erected or remaining in a different location upon such road than that designated in any order of the governing body or department is a public nuisance and may be abated accordingly.
(3) The state officer, agency, board or commission having jurisdiction over any land belonging to the state with respect to which the right and privilege granted under subsection (1) of this section is exercised may impose reasonable requirements for the location, construction, operation and maintenance of the lines, fixtures and facilities on such land. The person or corporation exercising such right and privilege over any land belonging to the state shall pay the current market value for the existing forest products that are damaged or destroyed in exercising such right and privilege. Such right and privilege of any person or corporation is conditioned upon compliance with the requirements imposed by this subsection. [Amended by 1955 c.123 §1; 1971 c.655 §100; 1981 c.153 §76; 2001 c.664 §3]
Note: The amendments to 758.010 by section 6, chapter 664, Oregon Laws 2001, become operative January 2, 2006. See section 7, chapter 664, Oregon Laws 2001. The text that is operative on and after January 2, 2006, is set forth for the user’s convenience.
758.010. (1) Except within cities, any person or corporation has a right and privilege to construct, maintain and operate its water, gas, electric or communication service lines, fixtures and other facilities along the public roads in this state, as defined in ORS 368.001 or across rivers or over any lands belonging to the state, free of charge, and over lands of private individuals, as provided in ORS 772.210. Such lines, fixtures and facilities shall not be constructed so as to obstruct any public road or navigable stream.
(2) A county governing body and the Department of Transportation have authority to designate the location upon roads under their respective jurisdiction, outside of cities, where lines, fixtures and facilities described in this section may be located, and may order the location of any such line, fixture or facility to be changed when such governing body or department deems it expedient. Any line, fixture or facility erected or remaining in a different location upon such road than that designated in any order of the governing body or department is a public nuisance and may be abated accordingly.
(3) The state officer, agency, board or commission having jurisdiction over any land belonging to the state with respect to which the right and privilege granted under subsection (1) of this section is exercised may impose reasonable requirements for the location, construction, operation and maintenance of the lines, fixtures and facilities on such land. The person or corporation exercising such right and privilege over any land belonging to the state shall pay the current market value for the existing forest products that are damaged or destroyed in exercising such right and privilege. Such right and privilege of any person or corporation is conditioned upon compliance with the requirements imposed by this subsection.
758.015 Certificate of public convenience and necessity. (1) When any person, as defined in ORS 758.400, providing electric utility service, as defined in ORS 758.400, or any transmission company, proposes to construct an overhead transmission line which will necessitate a condemnation of land or an interest therein, it shall petition the Public Utility Commission for a certificate of public convenience and necessity setting forth a detailed description and the purpose of the proposed transmission line, the estimated cost, the route to be followed, the availability of alternate routes, a description of other transmission lines connecting the same areas, and such other information in such form as the commission may reasonably require in determining the public convenience and necessity.
(2) The commission shall give notice and hold a public hearing on such petition. The commission, in addition to considering facts presented at such hearing, shall make the commission’s own investigation to determine the necessity, safety, practicability and justification in the public interest for the proposed transmission line and shall enter an order accordingly. The order shall be subject to review as in other cases. In any proceeding for condemnation, a certified copy of such order shall be conclusive evidence that the transmission line for which the land is required is a public use and necessary for public convenience.
(3) This section shall not apply to construction of transmission lines in connection with a project for which a permit or license is otherwise obtained pursuant to state or federal law.
(4) As used in this section and ORS 758.020, "transmission company" means a person or entity that owns or operates high voltage transmission lines and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. "Transmission company" does not include a cooperative organized under ORS chapter 62. [1961 c.691 §19; 2001 c.913 §6]
758.020 Joint occupancy of poles required. (1) The county court, board of county commissioners or the Department of Transportation, when designating the location where poles or other aboveground facilities described in ORS 758.010 may be placed on a road or highway which fronts on the ocean or on a river or other body of water and the water frontage of the highway is being developed or maintained for its scenic or recreational value, may require all lines to occupy the opposite side of the right of way, if such joint occupancy can be maintained without undue impairment of service or damage to public life and property.
(2) If the owners of such lines are unable to agree on the terms and conditions of joint occupancy, such department, court or board shall request the Public Utility Commission to determine the practicability of such joint occupancy and the effect thereof upon adequate and safe service by the prospective joint occupants, the location of the lines, and, if found to be practicable, to fix and prescribe the terms and conditions pursuant to which joint occupancy shall be accomplished. Before making or entering an order, such commission shall hold a hearing and make findings in accordance with ORS 756.500 to 756.610, subject to review as provided in ORS 756.580 to 756.610. In fixing terms and conditions pursuant to which joint occupancy shall be accomplished, the Public Utility Commission shall require the installation by each occupant of standards, devices and equipment reasonably necessary to protect the equipment of the other occupants from damage and the public from injury arising from such joint occupancy.
(3) The right of any public utility, telecommunications utility or transmission company to construct, maintain and operate on a public highway poles or fixtures is contingent on compliance with reasonable requirements established by the Department of Transportation, county courts, boards of county commissioners or the Public Utility Commission under authority of this section and ORS 758.010. Such rights are likewise contingent and conditioned on all facilities, equipment and installations being constructed and maintained in strict conformance with modern and approved standards. [Amended by 1971 c.655 §102; 1987 c.447 §98; 2001 c.913 §7]
(2) In case of failure to agree upon such use or the conditions or compensation for such use, any public utility, telecommunications utility, person, association or corporation interested may apply to the Public Utility Commission, and if after investigation the commission ascertains that public convenience or necessity requires such use and that it would not result in irreparable injury to the owner or other users of such equipment, the commission shall by order direct that such use be permitted and prescribe reasonable conditions and compensation for such joint use.
(3) The use so ordered shall be permitted and the prescribed conditions and compensation shall be the lawful conditions and compensation to be observed, followed and paid, subject to recourse to the courts upon the complaint of any interested party as provided in ORS 756.580 to 756.610, and such statutes so far as applicable shall apply to any suit arising on a com